Every day life: when to wash and when to disinfect your hands?
Proper hand hygiene is also of great importance in every day life. Take the quiz to test how reliable your knowledge of appropriate hand hygiene is!
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Hand-washing with soap

Better use a disinfectant

When coming
in from outside (without increased risk of pathogen contact)
in from outside (without increased risk of pathogen contact)

reparing food (non-commercial)
reparing food (non-commercial)

using the toilet
using the toilet

When disinfection would be useful, but no disinfectant is on hand

preparing food (non-commercial)
preparing food (non-commercial)

having a meal
having a meal

touching a pet
touching a pet

touching the face
touching the face

blowing your nose
blowing your nose

contact with a sick person with a communicable disease
contact with a sick person with a communicable disease
caring for a relative or friend with a weakened immune system or chronic wounds
caring for a relative or friend with a weakened immune system or chronic wounds
contact with a relative or friend who is at risk of infection
contact with a relative or friend who is at risk of infection
When traveling, when no clean water for washing is available
touching a (potentially sick) animal or its body fluids
touching a (potentially sick) animal or its body fluids
contact with frequently touched surfaces in public places
contact with frequently touched surfaces in public places